Shows and Events

Showtimes for Sat Mar 15 2025

  • 10:00 a.m.

    Meet the Keeper: Honey Badgers
  • 10:30 a.m.

    Meet the Keeper: Zebras
  • 11:00 a.m.

    Feature Show
  • 11:45 a.m.

    Alligator Bay Feeding
  • 12:15 p.m.

    Meet the Keeper: Malayan Tigers
  • 1:00 p.m.

    Giraffe Herd at the Giraffe Preview Exhibit
  • 1:45 p.m

    Snakes Alive along Shoreline Trail
  • 2:30 p.m.

    Meet the Keeper: Leopards
  • 3:00 p.m.

    Feature Show in Safari Canyon
  • 3:45 p.m.

    Meet the Keeper: Giant Anteater and Cotton-top Tamarins

Shows and Events

Safari Canyon Feature Show

Discover the important role predators play in nature while viewing live animals from exotic cats to more unusual hunters. Your hosts further illustrate with quick wildife clips and close up views on the live cam while live animals exhibit natural behaviors.

The Safari Canyon open-air theater combines the fascinating information and wildlife footage of a nature program with the thrill of experiencing those same animals live and up close. Exclusive to Naples Zoo, Safari Canyon shows are a fun way to experience wildlife.

The multimedia portion represents the film and photography of the world's leading conservation organizations and world renowned filmmakers.

Arrive a few minutes early to learn wildlife trivia, recent conservation data, and fun nature facts.

Snakes Alive

From a copperhead to cottonmouth, venomous snakes fascinate and often frighten us. At the daily Snakes Alive! talk, our highly trained experts help you better understand a number snakes and other reptiles.

Each day can be different snakes and species. Even the Zoo's popular Gila monsters may make appearances.

Snakes Alive! is named in honor of the Zoo's founders, Jungle Larry and Safari Jane. In addition to their other achievements, they spent decades helping both adults and children overcome their fear of snakes as well as the beneficial role that many reptiles play throughout nature.

Better than a reptile exhibit because the animals are slithering around and exploring the environment. And it's more casual than a theater show so you can take your time watching them interact with our staff.

You've got 30 minutes of unstructured time to speak with our handlers and ask questions. And without even glass between you and the animals, you'll get awesome photos! You may even get an up close shot when a staff member takes your camera inside!

Alligator Bay

Coconut palms and a host of tropical plants surround the sun sparkled waters of Alligator Bay. Look more closely and you'll see giant reptiles gliding through the waters or sunning on the banks and islands.

You'll learn the truths behind the myths about the more than one million alligators that make their homes in Florida. This natural lake environment is also home to numerous native species including an annual rookery of herons.

Primate Expedition Cruise

At the dock on the shore of Lake Victoria, an Primate Expedition Cruise guide welcomes you aboard one of the catamarans for a fifteen to twenty minute cruise through islands of primates living in natural habitats.

As the catamarans float next to the islands, your guide narrates the interesting details about these fascinating animals. During the tour, you'll see the three major types of primates: monkeys, lemurs, and apes.

Many of these species are now classified as endangered in their native lands. And because Naples Zoo is not funded by taxes, it's your visit, membership, and donations that allows us to both care for the rare animals you see here, as well as their relatives in the wild around the world.

Don't forget the camera as the opportunity for photography is exceptional. You are also welcome to take the tour more than once as the cruise is included in your admission.

Meet the Keeper Series

Throughout the day, you are invited to selected animal exhibits to Meet the Keeper. Through these informal programs you'll learn about the animals in the wild.

You'll also learn how animals are cared for outside the wild and how keepers safely care for dangerous carnivores. Keepers also show how they care for both the animals' physical and mental well-being through behavioral enrichment programs.

You will discover how accredited zoos support the conservation of species for future generations both in and outside the wild. Best of all, you'll learn how you can help some of these species yourself!

After a short presentation and background on the exhibit and its animals, this presentation becomes an open forum for questions and answers. In addition to understanding more about the creatures, you also see these animals at their most active as they relate to their keeper and encounter behavioral enrichment activities.